Working Papers

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Nathaniel Baum-Snow, Loren Brandt, J. Vernon Henderson, Matthew A. Turner, and Qinghua Zhang
Roads, Railways and Decentralization of Chinese Cities

Ang Sun and Yaohui Zhao
Divorce, Abortion and Sex Ratio at Birth: The Effect of the Amended Divorce Law in China

Cheng Yuan and Lei Zhang
Public School Resources and Private Substitutes in Urban China

Hang Gao and Johannes Van Biesebroeck
Effects of Deregulation and Vertical Unbundling on the Performance of China’s Electricity Generation Sector

Hanwei Huang, Jiandong Ju, and Vivian Z. Yue
A Unified Model of Structural Adjustments and International Trade

John Giles and Ren Mu
Village Political Economy, Land Tenure Insecurity and the Rural to Urban Migration Decision: Evidence from China

Xi Li, Xuewen Liu, and Yong Wang
A Model of China’s State Capitalism

Yinan (Leo) Li
China’s Political Business Cycle

Yue Ma, Heiwai Tang, and Yifan Zhang
Factor Intensity, Product Switching, and Productivity: Evidence from Chinese Exporters

Zheng Song, Kjetil Storesletten, Yikai Wang, and Fabrizio Zilibotti
Sharing High Growth Across Generations: Pensions and Demographic Transition in China


Tang, Heiwai and Zhang, Yi-Fan
What is Different About New Exports? Productivity, Factor Intensity, and Product Switching

Li, Hong-Bbin
China’s Educational Inequality: Evidence from College Entrance Exams and Admissions

Wu, Laura and Zheng Michael Song
A Structural Estimation on Distortions in UK and Chinese Manufacturing Firms

Yuchtman, Noam and Suresh Naidu
Intergenerational Mobility and Institutional Change

Ren, Mu and Xiaobo Zhang
The Role of Elected and Appointed Village Leaders in the Allocation of Public Resources – Evidence from a Low-Income Region in China

Gordon, Roger and Li, Wei
Provincial and Local Governments in China – Fiscal Institutions and Government Behavior

Zhang, Jane
Do Girls in China Compete Just as much as Boys? Evidence from an Experiment that Predicts Educational Choice

Lin, Wanchuan, Janet Currie, and Wei Zhang
Patient Knowledge and Antibiotic Abuse

Wei, Shang-Jin and Xiaobo Zhang
Mating Competition and the Pursuit of Bigger and More Costly Homes

Li, Tao, Li Han, Tao Lion, and Yaohui Zhao
How Intergenerational Status Transmission Affects Marital Sorting: Evidence from China


Doug Almond, Hongbin Li and Lingsheng Meng
Son Preference and Early Childhood Investments in China

Loren Brandt and Xiaodong Zhu
Accounting for China’s Growth

Hongbin Cai, Hongbin Li, Albert Park, Li-An Zhou
Family Ties and Organizational Design: Evidence from Chinese Private Firms

Marcos Chamon, Kai Liu, and Eswar Prasad
Income Uncertainty and Household Savings in China

Karen Fisher-Vanden, Erin T. Mansur, and Qiong Wang
Costly Blackouts? Measuring Productivity and Environmental Effects of Electricity Shortages

Jun Han, Wing Suen, Junsen Zhang
Picking up the Losses: the Impact of the Cultural Revolution on Human Capital Re-Investment in Urban China

Yinghua He
Gaming the School Choice Mechanism

Xiaoyan Lei, Li Tan, and Yaohui Zhao
The Impact of Retirement on Health: Evidence from China

Xuepeng Liu
Tax Avoidance, Tax Preference and Re-imports: The Case of “Redundant Trade”

Monica Martinez-Bravo, Gerard Padro-i-Miquel, Nancy Qian, and Yang Yao
Accountability and Growth: The Costs of Village Democracy in China


Douglas Almond, Yuyu Chen, Michael Greenstone, Hongbin Li
Winter Heating or Clean Air

Weili Ding and Yuan Zhang
When a Son is Born: The Impact of Fertility Patterns on Family Finance in Rural China

Avi Ebenstein
Water Pollution and Digestive Cancers in China

Lena Edlund, Hongbin Li, Junjian Yi, Junsen Zhang
Sex ratios and Crime: Evidence from China

Xin Meng, Lakshmi Iyer, Nancy Qian
Unbundling Property Rights: Urban Housing Privatization and Labor Mobility in China

Katharina Pistor
Banking Reform in the Chinese Mirror

Nancy Qian, Esther Duflo, Abhijit Banerjee
On the Road: Access to Transportation Infrastructure and Economic Growth in China

Scott Rozelle, Jikun Huang, Renfu Luo, Linxiu Zhang
Village Elections, Public Goods Investments and Pork Barrels Politics, Chinese Style

Zheng Song, Kjetil Storeletten, Fabrizio Zilibotti
Growing like China

Li Han, Mingxing Liu and Xuehui An
Centralized Deployment and Teachers’ Incentive: Evidence from Reforms in Rural China

Shang-Jin Wei and Xiaobo Zhang
Sex Ratios and Savings Rates: Evidence from “Excess Men” in China

Working Papers 2008 Program

Shing-yi Wang
Credit Contraints, Job Mobility and Entrepreneurship: Evidence from a Property Reform in China

Julan Du, Yi Lu, and Zhigang Tao
Property Rights Protection and Firm Horizontal Scope

Douglas Almond, Lena Edlund, Hongbin Li, and Junsen Zhang
Long-Term Effects of the 1959-1961 China famine: Mainland China and Hong Kong

Lingsheng Meng and Hongbin Li
Evaluating China’s Poverty Alleviation Program: A Regression Discontinuity Approach

Xiaohan Zhong
More Production is Safer Production? Effects of Shutdown Policy on China’s Coal Industry

YongXiang Wang
Profiting from Government stakes in a Command Economy: Evidence from Asset Sales

Loren Brandt, Aloysius Siow, and Hui Wang
Substitution Effects in Parental Investments

Elaine Liu
Time to Change What to Sow: Risk Preferences and Technology Adoption Decisions of Cotton Farmers in China

Yanhui Wu
Influence Activities and The Dark Sides of Decentralization: Evidence from A Chinese Newspaper

Nancy Qian, Gerard Padro
The Rise of China and the Natural Resource Curse in Africa: Political Institutions and Human Rights

Filip Abraham, Jozef Konings, and Veerle Slootmaekers
FDI Spillovers in the Chinese Manufacturing Sector: Evidence of Firm Heterogeneity

Zhishu Yang
Bank Loans with Chinese Characteristics

Avram Ebenstein, David Mericle
Estimating a Dynamic Model of Sex Selection in China

Shang-Jin Wei, Robert Koopman, Zhi Wang
How much of Chinese exports is really made in China? Assessing domestic value-added when processing trade is pervasive

Zheng Song, Kjetil Storesletten, and Fabrizio Zilibotti
Growing like China

Avram Y. Ebenstein
Water pollution and digestive cancers in China