2022 Working Papers and Presentation Slides

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Davin Chor, Dartmouth College*; Bingjing Li, The University of Hong Kong
Illuminating the Effects of the US-China Tariff War on China’s Economy
Paper | Presentation Slides

Ernest Liu, Princeton University*; Song Ma, Yale University and NBER
Innovation Networks and Innovation Policy

Pengfei Han, Peking University*; Wei Jiang, Columbia University; Danqing Mei, Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business
Mapping U.S.-China Technology Decoupling: Policies, Innovation, and Firm Performance
Paper | Presentation Slides

Yixin Mei, The University of Hong Kong; Yanhui Wu, The University of Hong Kong*
Social Media and Government Responsiveness: Evidence from Vaccine Procurement in China
Paper | Presentation Slides

Clair Yang, University of Washington
On Determinants of State Capacity: Wars, Public Goods, and Economic Shocks

Mark Buntaine, University of California, Santa Barbara; Michael Greenstone, The University of Chicago and NBER; Guojun He, The University of Hong Kong; Mengdi Liu, University of International Business and Economics; Shaoda Wang, The University of Chicago and NBER*; Bing Zhang, Nanjing University
Does the Squeaky Wheel Get More Grease? Citizen Participation, Social Media, and Environmental Governance in China

Nick Bloom, Stanford University; Ruobing Han, Stanford University*; James Liang, Fudan University and Trip.com
How Hybrid Work from Home Works Out
Paper | Presentation Slides

Kevin Zhengcheng Liu, The University of Hong Kong*; Xiaoming Zhang, The University of Hong Kong
Discretion, Talent Allocation, and Governance Performance: Evidence from China’s Imperial Bureaucracy
Paper | Presentation Slides

Jiaying Chen, Renmin University of China*; Albert Park, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology; Lei Wang, Shaanxi Normal University; Scott Rozelle, Stanford University
Parenting style and children’s time preference: based on a Randomized Controlled Trial in rural China